
Bible Prophecy Seminar Day
The Castle Hill BEC is running a Prophecy Seminar Day on Saturday, May 12th. Come along to find out what the Bible says will happen in the future! Presenter is Andrew Dangerfield. Programme 2.00pm Daniel’s Visions: ‘World history & the future’ 3.30pm Afternoon tea 4.00pm ‘Israel and the Purpose of God’ 5.30pm Dinner 7.00pm Revelation: ‘The […]
Wednesday Bible Classes-March/April 2012
Some really great classes in February on the Pentateuch and Romans. Many thanks to Brethren Gary Steel and James McCann who made their evenings instructive, interactive and also entertaining. Good to see solid support for all their efforts and if you haven’t been along to Bible class for a while, it is really worth sharing […]
Come Follow Me Playgroup Starts Again
Come Follow Me playgroup started again for the year on Wednesday 1/2/2012. It was lovely catching up with everyone after the holiday break. Belinda led us on our first new adventure for the year, a magic carpet ride! Our little ones enjoyed this stimulating journey with lots of fun songs, dancing & actions to encourage […]
Wednesday Bible Studies – February 2012
Hopefully everyone has enjoyed a “battery charging” break over the Christmas/New Year period and we are all raring to go again in 2012, particularly with our Bible studies. The first half year activities planned (God willing), provide a variety of classes and speakers that will encourage us all to be involved on Wednesday evenings. Hope […]
Spring into Spring
New stock has just arrived in time for the new season. So spring into Spring and check out the latest book arrivals. Michael Edgecombe: In the Image of God. Michael reviews Scripture’s consistent teaching which is still applied today in an era where the gospel of the cross is as counter-cultural as it was […]

Bible Exhibition at Castle Hill BEC
The Castle Hill BEC is hosting a Bible Exhibition! Dates: 10th to 16th September, 2011 Hours: 12pm – 7pm, every day Where: At the Castle Hill BEC, see here for location. Come along and learn more about the Bible. At the exhibition, you can find out about: key messages and stories from the Bible: Discipleship, […]

August Study Weekend
Bible Study Weekend at Castle Hill BEC – All Welcome Living in the Grace of God Titus A study based on the apostle Paul’s letter to Titus. Presenter: Michael Edgecombe Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th August, 2011 (God Willing) Program Saturday 27th August 2:30pm Study 1: God’s grace in godly leadership & sound doctrine 3:30pm […]
400 Years of the KJ Bible
With 2011 being the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible, there are three related items for sale in the Bookshop. First, a replica version of the original Bible; second, the Testimony Magazine special edition which includes articles on the antecedents (Wycliffe and Tyndale), the making of the KJV, and it’s reception, influence and long-term […]

School Holiday Programme
Kids bored during the school holidays? The School Holiday Programme run by the Castle Hill BEC provides free fun activities for children aged 3 to 12. The programme runs on the first Tuesday of the public school holidays at the end of terms 1, 2 and 3, from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon. Morning tea is […]