Featured Category

A Message of Hope

Corona virus has reminded us that sometimes life can be very uncertain. It has caused us all to reflect on how precious human life is. We don’t like to hear about anyone dying, let alone thousands of people every day. The sad truth is that ultimately we all die. In 1918 the year the Spanish […]

Posted: May 2, 2020 / Categories: Events, Featured Category, News
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Weekly Bible Seminars

These normally happen every Tuesday evening except during School Holidays. Our program is currently disrupted due to COVID-19, but God willing will resume as soon as we are permitted to do so. The sessions cover a whole range of Bible topics. Currently we were looking at Prophets and Prophecies of the Bible and are happy […]

Posted: May 2, 2020 / Categories: Courses, Events, Featured Category
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Improve Your English

Would you like to improve your English and learn about the Bible at the same time? This course is designed for people who have a basic understanding of English and who would like to improve their English skills. The course focuses on how English is used in everyday situations such as talking with people at […]

Posted: July 13, 2011 / Categories: Courses, Events, Featured Category
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