Bible Prophecy Seminar

Castle Hill Bible Education Centre is presenting an all day Bible Prophecy seminar!

Date and time: Saturday 30th July, 9:00am-3:00pm

Location: Castle Hill Bible Education Centre

The seminar will consist of six concise and informative sessions.

It will explore what the Bible predicted about:

* The destiny of ancient cities & peoples
* The promised Messiah – Jesus Christ
* The empires of Babylon, Persia, Greece & Rome
* The Jews and Israel
History has shown that all these predictions have come true!

If the Bible was totally correct about what is now HISTORY, you can be confident about its message for the FUTURE.

The seminar will be run in a very relaxed and friendly environment and you are welcome to ask questions at any time. It is run as a service to the community and is entirely free.

Notes, Bible, morning tea and lunch will all be provided.


Register one of the following ways:

* fill out the Enquiries form
* send an email to
* call 8030 5505

Posted: July 17, 2016 / Categories: Events, News
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