World in Distress – What can we Do?

Castle Hill Bible Education Centre is presenting a seminar about some of the difficult issues facing our world.

Date and time: Sunday November 10th, 2:00pm

We live on a troubled planet.

Refugees have become a significant percentage of the population and world-wide now number at least 70 million. If we also include those who have died from war, persecution or famine, the number rises considerably.

Over time this has been especially true in the Middle East, which is the major focus of the Bible.

Assyria was once the super-power in this region. How were individuals and larger groups affected by the policies of this nation?

What significance do these and other social issues have for us, in our uncertain world today?

Come and hear the amazing solutions God has promised for our world.

Posted: November 3, 2019 / Categories: Events, News
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